Thursday, October 29, 2009

Republicans and Democrats

New Jersey & The Two Party System "It Don't Work"

Being a life long resident of the state and now in my 50's, I can look back over the last 30 years and tell ya, the two party system in New Jersey and probably the rest of the country is flawed!! For over the last 30 years we've have a democrat or a republican and where has that gotten New Jerseyans? For starters, we have the highest property taxes in the nation, we are tops in road congestion and the largest employer in the State is the State of New Jersey!

Tell me, why do I have to pay 5 figure property taxes? What am I getting for my money, corruption both state and local, out of control spending, a broken down School Construction Corporation, 203,000 NJEA union members!!

The two party system is broke, and WE NEED to fix it. How, vote for neither the Republicans or the Democrats. Make a stand and vote for a 3rd party!!! Show the politicians that WE WON'T stand for this BS anymore.

Do I think that if a third party gets elected things will change? Well, no but, Republicans and Democrats will be put on notice the New Jerseyans are fed up with the corruption, scandals, spending, favors.

VOTE4NJ is to vote your conscious, vote for a difference, vote for the greatness of the State of New Jersey. It's a great place to live and work as long as the taxes don't kill you.

Here's a few interesting tweats I found:

You'd be surprised how many people are hating the 2 party system, and how much they've hurt all of us.

I can't stand the 2 party system in NJ anymore. Both parties have ruined New Jersey

Democrats Ask New Jersey Secretary of State to Ignore Mismatched Signatures on Absentee-Ballot

New Jersey vote against Corzine- message to Blue Dogs & moderates is: we are disgusted with Politicians!

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Jersey Home of Negative Campaigning

Let's face it, the three guys running for Governor are what??? They are people with a vision, people with Determination, people with Drive and people with Dedication right? I'll tell you what they also are, they are SALESPEOPLE!! Yes, they are selling you a message of vision, hope and better things to come. Some of the best salespeople can paint a picture like Michelangelo and it breathes VISION!!

The very best of the best SALESPEOPLE don't worry about the competition, and what they're touting this week, next week or next month. They stay focused on their vision and their message. I've been in sales along time and most everyone is turned off by the salesperson that attacks the other company, the product or even the other person selling the product.

So, why is it, that the two major parties are telling you what's wrong with the other guy? Basically it seems to me that they have nothing to stand on whether past or present, and if they did they would be painting a VISION of prosperity for New Jerseyans and not promoting doom and gloom if the "other guy" gets elected.

Would you buy from the salesperson who states "the other sales guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground", or "their products don't work right"? Or would you consider the salesperson who tells you "we have the best ROI plan for you, we've laid it out for you to review", or "our products meets you needs and will help you generate productivity and savings in the long run".

Selling yourself is the key, not selling against the other guys. Super Salespeople pay attention to what the client needs, the clients problems and finds a solution that will the customer will benefit from.

So when looking at the race for Governor of NJ, I'll be going with the SALESPERSON that has the VISION to delivery!


Wake UP New Jerseyans!!! VOTE DAGGETT!!!

From one fellow to New Jerseyan to another, it's time to stop the pain and blame game with our New Jersey Government!

What have the Democrats or Republicans done in the state of New Jersey for the last 20 years! Besides raising property taxes to the roof!! Blame and point the finger all you want, it's the officials that we keep re-electing thinking CHANGE will happen! Well, sorry to say, it WON'T with Christie or Corzine, two peas in a pod and both with heavy favors that they'll owe once they are elected!

What's the definition of an IDIOT? A person who keep doing the same thing over and over again!!

New Jerseyans for ONE TIME, get a set of BALLS and vote for neither Corzine or Chrsitie. From what I've read, DAGGETT has a plan in place (even if it is a tax plan, at least it's a plan), Corzine is so entrenched with tax and spend and Christie just doesn't strike me as a man who can change New Jersey.

Hey, NEW JERSEY needs to change and quickly, loss of jobs, loss of income, reduction of income, lower property values, etc...


However if either Christie or Corzine is re-elected we've just sealed our fate for NO Change for another four years. Can your family afford another fours year of this??

This election can also send a message to the US that New Jersey will take the lead in moving away from the traditional republican or democrats who spend, and waste our tax money!!!

We need taxes to bail out the state, however there are some powerful unions in the state that need to chip in and do their part in helping the State of New Jersey!

Here's a few for ya:

Why does NJ spend MONEY to advertise the Lottery?
Why does NJ spend MONEY to air the Lottery on TV?
Why are their 50 Different Scratch off games, what, one's not enough? Who gets the cool graphics and ticket contracts and what are they costing us?
Raise the alcohol tax
Have a nightclub tax
Lower the cigarette tax, make it lower than NY and PA, and people will come here and buy more tobacco, how much revenue is lost to Delaware and PA!!!!
Legalize and create a Sin Tax for Marijuana (CA did it), and tax the hell out of it! Let's face it, if we don't find an alternate revenue stream we're sunk.
Legalize Slot machines in Horse Tracks
Legalize Sports betting

Some of you will say OMG, we can't do this or that, however, you tell me, how the heck NJ is going to get out of the hole for debt and property taxes. It's not possible without additional streams of revenue. Gotten a ticket lately for a broken light, tilted license plate, or something else that's a real pain in the butt, well that's the additional revenue stream for muni's.

CHANGE, CHANGE the way we think,, CHANGE the way we vote and CHANGE the way WE WANT OUR GOVERNMENT and have them ACT Financially Responsible!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

DocumentMall "Uploading with eCopy"

Thought this would be a usefull vide for everyone. Via ecopy we can upload documents to your documentmall account.

-=Art Post=-