Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Jersey & The Two Party System "It Don't Work"

Being a life long resident of the state and now in my 50's, I can look back over the last 30 years and tell ya, the two party system in New Jersey and probably the rest of the country is flawed!! For over the last 30 years we've have a democrat or a republican and where has that gotten New Jerseyans? For starters, we have the highest property taxes in the nation, we are tops in road congestion and the largest employer in the State is the State of New Jersey!

Tell me, why do I have to pay 5 figure property taxes? What am I getting for my money, corruption both state and local, out of control spending, a broken down School Construction Corporation, 203,000 NJEA union members!!

The two party system is broke, and WE NEED to fix it. How, vote for neither the Republicans or the Democrats. Make a stand and vote for a 3rd party!!! Show the politicians that WE WON'T stand for this BS anymore.

Do I think that if a third party gets elected things will change? Well, no but, Republicans and Democrats will be put on notice the New Jerseyans are fed up with the corruption, scandals, spending, favors.

VOTE4NJ is to vote your conscious, vote for a difference, vote for the greatness of the State of New Jersey. It's a great place to live and work as long as the taxes don't kill you.

Here's a few interesting tweats I found:

You'd be surprised how many people are hating the 2 party system, and how much they've hurt all of us.

I can't stand the 2 party system in NJ anymore. Both parties have ruined New Jersey

Democrats Ask New Jersey Secretary of State to Ignore Mismatched Signatures on Absentee-Ballot

New Jersey vote against Corzine- message to Blue Dogs & moderates is: we are disgusted with Politicians!

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