Monday, October 26, 2009

New Jersey Home of Negative Campaigning

Let's face it, the three guys running for Governor are what??? They are people with a vision, people with Determination, people with Drive and people with Dedication right? I'll tell you what they also are, they are SALESPEOPLE!! Yes, they are selling you a message of vision, hope and better things to come. Some of the best salespeople can paint a picture like Michelangelo and it breathes VISION!!

The very best of the best SALESPEOPLE don't worry about the competition, and what they're touting this week, next week or next month. They stay focused on their vision and their message. I've been in sales along time and most everyone is turned off by the salesperson that attacks the other company, the product or even the other person selling the product.

So, why is it, that the two major parties are telling you what's wrong with the other guy? Basically it seems to me that they have nothing to stand on whether past or present, and if they did they would be painting a VISION of prosperity for New Jerseyans and not promoting doom and gloom if the "other guy" gets elected.

Would you buy from the salesperson who states "the other sales guy doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground", or "their products don't work right"? Or would you consider the salesperson who tells you "we have the best ROI plan for you, we've laid it out for you to review", or "our products meets you needs and will help you generate productivity and savings in the long run".

Selling yourself is the key, not selling against the other guys. Super Salespeople pay attention to what the client needs, the clients problems and finds a solution that will the customer will benefit from.

So when looking at the race for Governor of NJ, I'll be going with the SALESPERSON that has the VISION to delivery!


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